describe to me the setting sea against the tidal suns tell me bitter lies of why it is how you used to be and how again it was no pain for wave to break shore leave fantasy incredible relations between ***** muck cracked claws on diamond webbings sin first to be last to win thirst against troubled these times are horrid ticks against the nature of the beast of the man un nat ural ural ural the sea it'll be better, he said he said to me once on a sunday hell is plane that ever plain never lands upon the shores never leaves absent mothers mothered bothered by and never never never ever always contradicts by nature it is it is unatural unnatured beast of wild a forsaken tool to best be bit by other claim in sin the thirst is taken by the moon, a tidal blood in throat the catchings diamond webs of spiricals of the sunday bishop movements, ever always after before before the time it was again begun and and in somewhat strange obtuse pear trees strange fruit from cocoons hatched sideways until pear time fruitlets dropped in spheres into the open casket boiling cracking crab like muck of breaking waves in boiling oceans, horrid licks you find you dunce that chasing shadows much like days pass far too quick to grasp the nettle and be stung and be thirsty for a placement upon the mantle up where higher drownings laugh all about the smoke all in shade of biscuit trees all in fade of tin echoes empty Christmas biscuit tins sound like themselves the hollow noise of prophecy against september again the bland misunderstandings recalled no pain, never ever always was in hell in heaven peace that breaks the ocean belts the cliffs produces shame in fingertips in felt like cat skin rugs and wigs cat hair counterparts to breeze it is the summer storms the bleak monsoons of rain that's ****** from mothers **** that seen to rise in single breath of sky and fall in grey obtuse sleets to earth made sea made mirrored sky sage test by broken widowed insect feelers pert to thunder hunger by the hundred lightening strikes to mass in bleak grey ember skies, silent spiracles of sun in shade take refuse out from heap and pile again beneath the skins of elder hills of somewhat tainted trousers made up of younger weeds and roots and ****** thirsting up against the garage door that opens fast too quick too soon too much and **** dirt up again ever never after seeing hell far too often break up break up and smile that ocean going smile wave goodbye with breaking helm with crack of pearls and peal of thunder late reminder of the blinding light against the grey now november skies again, again, it ever never is always maybe somewhat breaking on the steps on the path away towards under bleak stained crab carcass shores away towards