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Aug 2020
Its still the best place in the world
Where you can reach anytime, curled
It's as close as can be
It isnt much too far , you see!
It's where you can stay without a care
You could just walk in with feet bare.
Here is the one place where there is no fear
Where you find pure love, crystal clear..
Tis the warmest, most coziest place
You can reach it even with a covered face
You think of it whenever you cry
And the mere thought makes your tears dry
Its fragrance takes you back to yonder days
As if you had known it always..
Its lighting is oh so right
You cant but help hug tight..
The best part is , over there its always day..
a mother's caress.. is just a smile away...
Written by
Veena Iyer
   Veena Iyer
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