This silent pen, This flowing aromatic This spare confessional, This alchemy of light.
And you light a cigarette, Prowl the room like a leopard. And the trains run east to west, And somehow this comforts you On the way to your other gig. And the sun roars against the window, Your face, Gliding up the road. And you think of Yeats, Shelly, the Shaw Of Iran, Perestroika, Persian rugs, Brahms And bikinis, And you know your friends, Watch your enemies, Keep a checklist, Forget the checklist As the woman with the legs Crosses against the light.
And the lights come up, The movie's ended. The streetlights shine in the mist. You walk to your car, And rain dots the windshield As cars hiss up the street.
This has always reminded me of fifties bebop jazz and Hitchcock. I don't know why. PS it's anyone out there?