i have climbed the mountains of the west massive, endless, and blue forsaking the common trail so well-known and so well-defined by cairns painted orange green like shrines rising high and far apart: forever forward
and i have dug my hands deep into rocky hillsides to stay upright and have fallen i have trekked cautiously through smoky forests and snow always higher, gaining so much ground steep and sloping until both air and trees spread thin
and i would stop to listen to the wind blowing hard through the pines below clouds would cover me: they could go no higher and i would breathe, with my whole body, the silent serenity of solitude and half-frozen lakes
time had no meaning here; there was but one day always and in the afternoon it began to rain silver beads of water, like tiny clouds froze upon my beard and glasses: i could not see nor speak
the darkness would grow cold and numb and cover me a blanket without warmth
the night afforded no apology i could not be distinguished from it i do not remember becoming part of it
part of it shivering beneath the stars shivering into dawn alone
i could find nothing there but strength pure and flowing from within it was here i built my dream in homage and wilderness so high above the earth