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Aug 2020
The vast black sky
With not a single star in sight
And one pinprick of hope
A light
Shines through all of it
And below it
Within us
A fire
A power
Look around
And this fire is within all of us
Connected by something powerful
Look farther into the world
And this fire that burns within all 8 billion of us
We go out into the world
But we stilll have each other
And this magical power
Within this alma mater
We grew with time
And made memories
That imprint upon our lives
We grew stronger
Built our walls
Grew taller
Quite literally
Were motivated
And when hurricanes come
These fires will still burn
And even if some go out
The amazing thing about a fire is
You can light it up again
We are the ones who keep each other strong
That’s what He meant us to do
Beyond all the blinding glamour
That glitters in the world

These fires are truly what matters
And what we must keep alight

And let your circle of fire grow larger
And encompass whatever it is you encounter

Feb 2020
Written by
Jermon  16/M/Cryptus
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