We believed you were right Till we realized you defined the world differently when you were raising us
You told us people were kind Tyranny in hopeless lands, breathing gunfire, ****** sands You told us we were to share Trump their own towers paying jets via children’s hunger You told us people cared We walk by wailing TV screens of Armageddon, While diamond buttons hurt our pretty fingers
If we’re wrong, Then why are our Mothers and fathers Brothers and sisters Friends and family Still being tortured????!
Morning alarms wake us up, While her eyes no longer see the world, Showering for hours, While his last breath barely reaches the river bank, Powder our faces, While her skin bleeds pain even embers can’t numb, Worry over choosing the right restaurant, While his bones are ripped like the fish nailed to ramen boards
You tell us power is success, Once, you taught us to care That money is everything, Used to tell us to be kind All of us tryna outdo each other Told us we had to learn to share
If the world was as loving as it was when we were younger, Then why do you watch While humanity burns alive Painting its blood all over our news reports
You worry anxiety could ****, Then why doesn’t the killing make you anxious?
We’re not telling you to stop buying your Ferraris, Or lavishing at million dollar parties,
All we’re saying is, when there are millions out there dying, Get off your fat arses and PLEASE - ******* – CARE