Winter is getting quite close, And as I listen to my Grizzly Bear sing Of mountains, Of loving another man, And of speaking in rounds I can't help but to shut myself in my bed As I shiver in awe Of harmonies clashing like winter winds That sons once sung about.
I sleep and I walk the moon Around the empty heavens that cry bright tears As the dark Or the cold sweeps them away. Crawling on the tightrope Puts my mind at ease and gives me something to Focus on for a spell Because I blame my sadness on the day. No hope rests in my cave.
Now and then the sun wakes up Now and then I try to wake up with the sun, Eyes shut by Dismay that has followed me Like the moon has all this time. If the dark moon continues to follow me Surely I will be sad And I promise my cave will soon collapse And never wake up.