If at once we were something, we were a song A glowing tarantella bouncing around, Blazing tambourines grasped with gypsy fingers Without dismay, Free to see the world The way God created it With all its great beauty And all the great cracks in the Earth, We dance we dance to crack the Earth Our song did touch the core.
If now we are something, we are lingering, We drowned in our tears trapped in an hourglass, The sand sapping away any life and now Hardened black mud, The hopelessness stuck Along with the grains and tears Trapped much like a gypsy And like the gypsy we may dance But its sloppy and stiff, no life, Our song did touch before.
Now our song and dance vanished Settling in a nice grave, We lay in our hourglass Still in our bridal garments Staring at each other from the other side Wondering who will drown first.
Y nuestras lágrimas nos ahogaron means "And our tears drowned us" in Spanish