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Jun 2013
I've tasted jealously before.
Jealousy for objects,
but never for a person.
It's a sickening taste,
and a nauseating smell,
but it fills me.
This jealously pools in my eyes
and rolls down my cheeks
in fat green drops.
And I can feel it -
bubbling angrily inside me.
It rises and falls like the tide
It churns and thrashes about
like a wave during a storm
or a wild beast -
it wants to be released onto her.
And the one thought that races through my mind:
How Dare She..
how dare she...
As long as she is about,
my senses are nothing but useless.
Even when she is gone,
the thought of her angers a beast inside me.
And all I can think of is
Carsyn Smith
Written by
Carsyn Smith  PA, USA
(PA, USA)   
     Carsyn Smith and Djs
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