Stick a lolipop into the mouth of moments your life is a child and somewhere in there you give a flying **** about the moon and no it's not cheese. That mouth knows what dirt tastes like but that wont stop me from pouring caramel and cigarettes over it. I need a fix of candied dirt and addiction. I'm not afraid of the eclipse because I'm already hooked on the dark. So lock the door & draw the curtains & be content.
The tide wont be knocking no matter how much you want it to fill the room or how big is your sweet tooth because hunger is BIGGER and eventually anything will do. So thank the moon we were wearing seat belts. Otherwise we might be vegetables eating only exhaust like Hiroshima force fed the sun because you only make war on an empty stomach or with an insatiable hunger.
Be content
for the civilians and their children who only know the taste of war. Idiot flavored idiots with a hint of dead mothers that will bore a cavity so big it'll put holes in the head of kindergardens everywhere. Who write their valentines on bombs. Who's love murders buildings, topples families, plowing through bodies on city streets all to reach nobody.
Be content
for the people who aren't you because when parents ******* in a box you call a country means you don't care you put genocide on the menu and there are some things that just wont do. As I grow weary of rivaling chefs pointing fingers in circles forever becoming a porthole to the ****** business becoming the unsuspecting manhole for the human animal's existence
in crossing.
Mothers may find safe shelter in the sewers but it reeks of prepackaged liberty express delivery to every where.
Be content.
Because to start a revolution means living it and what better way, to ******* a reckless pace that finishes first in hunger, starting fist fights with other people's lives and forgets even sooner, than to be content.