I have been licking the cream off The nothing I was forced to cook from the book I bought. I am Charles Bukowski waiting to rupture, And tumble into forces of uncontrolled madness. I dinge into fleeting, changing rooms And become pages of yellowing, worm-books. I write my own obituaries, each for a different Person I have lived. I make love twice every week, And keep a count of how many times He calls out someone elseโs name. I caution into keeping everything beautiful to myself. I cup my hands and keep passion in my hidden chest, And lock my doors with the only key there is. I dine alone, I read in hushed whispers over single-serving thoughts. And sleep where no one can put an arm around my waist, And undulate the black-flavoured dreams I so carefully reared. There is only one victory, There is only one woman in the world. It is I. It is I. It is I.