The water is calm now. The boats sail by in the distance And I do not feel they are traveling to some Enchanted Island I will never see. I am content where I sit
On the other side of the bay are beautiful homes A world that appears untouched Unaffected Their lives have no trouble
I hear laughter and my soul does not long to create This symphony on my own lips. Nor do I Envy Their joyful voices. I am content with the Silence
I think of you now, no longer with regret. The image of your face In my mind fills my spirit with peace. Whenever I feel alone I close my eyes. You are there Somewhere
You understand. You fill in the space That once made it hard to Breathe It's OK. We don't always get what We want
But if we dim or brighten the light. If we step back Or move closer It is merely a change in Perspective We chose what we see. Empty or Full?
I think of you now with joy and not regret. I take A breath And feel the knowledge of you. The way you know me Every part of me The knowledge of having loved you Completely
I close my eyes My heart is satiated with gratitude - no longer With screams Of anguish. And pain. Calling down curses on the universe for not making us into So much more than what we are I am content