A little girl. A castle in the sand. Built and destroyed Kicked apart By the same tiny hands. How many Dreams Will she see come and go in this way? I wonder
I think back to all the sorrows I pierced Myself with NaΓ―ve and foolish hands. Insatiable heart Desperately Seeking a way out. Banging my head over and over
Against the same glass wall. Until I was Exhausted Hopeless. Occasionally flipping about like a dying Fish The wall was so thick. The other side fading Slowly
Out of sight. And I kept kicking Kicking My hope waning. My spirit starving. Slowly The hunger Disappears. Leaving only a dull ache
A subtle awareness that something is missing Something has been lost But we can no longer remember what it is The emptiness Is worse than the pain. By far
I look into the place where the little girl's castle once Stood Nothing remains of it, except it's memory in my Mind Soon that will fade too Leaving only infinite grains of sand - or rather Infinite possibility
It's never too late. I realize that now Wisdom Comes with time. And refined hands Understand the value Of the castles they build -