Its dark here and so my path has disappeared Holding hands with before and forever Trusting that my feet will align with the molds you have formed Should I trip on obstacles Its because I became defiance and I became fear My new sight, is based on what I hear Destination, a place where flowers sing Instead of laying underneath a bed where flowers cling to the dirt I came from Negativity shrouded in mist
I can only hear the words that I missed You are beautiful You are worthy of love Enjoy this sound mind Your gift is musical In grace you fit like a glove You are one of a kind For this love does not come with pain This love is patient Im not in the midst of this love I am love and you finally joined me Build around me So that your foundation becomes me
No longer willing to pay the wages of hurt caused by hurt people When forever is calling on them to, to be blind and have steps ordered for them, walking in faith for sight Beaming from your depths is light You can only turn wrong, if your not willing to turn right As told, walk by faith and not by sight