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Jun 2010
You may believe you have known pain
I politely disagree
You may well have hurt before
I am however, me.
You may have cried your eyes out
I have cried out my heart
You may have never finished
I never got to start.
You may have once felt overwhelmed
I once felt naught at all
You may have disconnected
I never got to call.
You may have felt excruciating pain
I have had over 40 kids to-date
You may have once passed out cold
I laid on the bathroom floor for 16 hours straight.
You may have it worse then me
I know I haven't had it worst
You may have had some form of cancer
I have only felt a kidney burst
You may have it better then me
I know I haven't had it best
You may be living out every dream
I see mine only when I rest
You may hurt just the same as me
I believe all pain sometime must end
You may struggle to move on
I am with you there my friend.
You may think all is lost and gone
I thought so several months ago
You may think there's nothing left to live for
I know how you think, I know.
You may at some point feel really down
I know you have the courage to move on through
You may just need to know someone understands
I wrote this just for you.
Written by
   Corlotta Murry
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