maturely premature thoughts preexist inside waiting to explode and marvel at the symmetry of our meetings, asymmetrical incongruities. unthought veils bearing everything mysterious. magic rarely happens when eyes open slowly for the first time. life hatefully spiteful, vengefully insipid, unknowing uncaring, who cares, time lost, repent, recant, re-imagined revisions, systems breaking human conditions, connections. see past the humanity, inanity and insanity are deliberate malfunctions- there is beauty inside every action, movement, and word. torrents of half thought forms cascade over fickle answers, responses to help your quest. yet in the same ******’ breath you say ‘you’ve thought too much; imagined enough- excuses are all you need’ while i cry to you in silence, you’re missing the beat, the form, the aspect and motivation of the intellect that you so silently yearn for in your verbal abuses. this will only get you so far before you see as i see or not at all