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Jul 2020
Most people don't know this, but as a boy, Criminal Trump worked at the
Auschwictz-Birkenau death camp where from 1940 to 1945 the Nazis murdered 1,100,000, mostly Jews, the largest number of murders committedΒ Β 
in any of the other 15,000 death camps spread over Europe in World War II.
Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp was locacated in the province of Upper Silesia in Poland. The camp used Zyklon B to ****** these men, women, and children in their gas chambers. Criminal Trump had multiple duties. He would help the **** guards force the Jews out of the railroad cars, enduring somehow the yelling and screams of the Jews who, for the most part, had already heard the fate awaiting them. Criminal Trump laughed with the **** guards. Criminal Trump, even though he was just a boy, was allowed to carry a club to beat any recalcitrant Jew who would resist getting into line. One of Criminal Trump's most favorite tasks was to watch the women and their female children be forced to take off all their clothing. Criminal Trump enjoyed staring at these naked females, choosing for himself those who were the most beautiful to him. He would wait longer than most of the **** guards before turning on the Zyklon B gas. One of his least favorite jobs was carrying the corpses covered with human excrement to the ovens where they were to be burnt. The smell was almost too fetid for him to do his job. Though Criminal Trump showered after each of these horrid, but necessary, tasks, he never could get rid of either of the smell or the memory of what he had to do hours each day in the gas chambers. In fact, as a man, he would awaken with a start from recurring nightmares of these atrocities he had participated in as a boy.
What Criminal Trump did as a boy at Auschwitz-Birkenenau death camp shaped how he would treat virtually every human being he encountered later
in life--with lack of any empathy at best, with sociopathic cruelty at worst.

Copyright 2020 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet, a novelist, and a human-right advocate his entire adult life.
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(80/M/Boulder, CO)   
   MS Anjaan
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