I once had the notion That I'd change the world With hopes, thoughts and ideas A splendor of new philosophy That would not build anew But change what we have That is already within us The desire to be human By redefining what it means That a human is more More than what is shallow About every one of us It is what we have The choice to continue on In the development of all That's deep inside each person Core traits that make us Want to connect to someone Connecting to be cared for And maybe, maybe even loved Because we love what's precious And beautiful souls are that We want to be seen For the traits hidden inside We know we are fragile But what if we did... We put it all out there We exposed our own fragility Being so exposed would maybe Help us remember that others Are actually the same too They're too important to break If we considered all others How we consider ourselves inside Maybe we would view life With a little more appreciation And just maybe We would change the world