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Jun 2013
There’s a dragon lying coiled                                        
At the base of my brain
In a dank dark crypt
At the top of my spine.
It is a foul and feral beast
Self centred as a dinosaur

No iridescent shining scales
No filmy farstretching wings                                    
No soaring spiraling flights
Over legendary landscapes
For this one.

No it just squats there                                                                      
Peering out at the world
Malevolent eyes slitted

If it sniffs
The faintest whiff
Of a threat to its survival
It rushes out
Breathing fire
Reptilian talons scything,
If you are quick
You may see them flashing
In my eyes

Before I slam the portal
Send my protector back
To seethe silently
Keeping watch
Over me
From the dungeon

Trish Lambert
Written by
tricia lambert
   Alexander van Dorp
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