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Jun 2020
She was a munchkin,
Who anticipated she was endangered by her own kin.
The man who was worshipped and considered sacred,
Felt proud to watch her niece naked.
Initially, she weeped and screamed in pain,
But she stopped when it all became mundane.
She told her mother in the hope of putting an end to her misery,
But she coaxed her into keeping it a mystery.
On the outside, he was the saint who prayed,
But covertly he was the beast who preyed.
One day, she with her remaining will,
Made herself, his ***** secrets spill.
The society finally saw that he was a sham,
And stripped him out of his glam.
With this, the girl who was the pain carrier,
Turned out to be the brave warrior.
Written by
Harshita Goswami  17/F
   MS Anjaan and Eman
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