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Jun 2020
Only in my dreams that I am the one
That I am still the reason behind your every smile
That I am still the greatest artist that painted the sweetest smiles on your lips
That I am the only sunshine that lights up your day

Only in my dreams that your promises are still alive
That they are not broken
That they are kept inside your heart
That you are doing everything to keep it

Only in my dreams that you didn’t change
That you’re still that same guy who always cared for me
That ******-in-a-neat-school-uniform guy who always makes me laughed
That guy who shows how much he loves me

Only in my dreams that you won’t ever leave me
That no matter what happens, no matter what it takes
And under any circumstances,
You’ll always choose to stay with me

Only in my dreams that there’s still you and me
That you still care for me
That you still think of me
That you still love me

You are my sweetest dream
But you chose to wake me up
And no matter what I do
I can’t go back to sleep

But if you’ll ask me to choose between the two
Live in reality or stay asleep
I’ll choose the latter
Cause in my dreams there’s still an us
Love, MauveMarini
Written by
MauveMarini01  23/F/General Santos City
(23/F/General Santos City)   
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