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Jun 2013
I try to smile
I really do,
But it's hard if you've lost a best friend (or two)

I try to be happy,
But can't you see?
It's hard if you've lost a best friend (or three)

I try not to cry,
And I've said this before,
But it's hard if you've lost a best friend (or four)

I try not to hate myself
But as you can derive,
It's hard if you've lost a best friend (or five)

I try to trust you,
But you can predict,
It's hard if you've lost a best friend (or six)
I don't know where this came from...I wanted to write a rhyming poem, and here it is, I guess...this is the first poem I ever wrote, edited for HP, of course.
Skye Applebome
Written by
Skye Applebome  Stokesdale, North Carolin
(Stokesdale, North Carolin)   
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