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Jun 2020
These stereotypes just don’t get me,
I want to spread my wings and fly free
I want to be a bird and sing my own song
Am I wrong?

Sitting alone is my every day
I wish all these weird feelings would go away
I don’t feel like I truly belong
Am I wrong?

Lessons that have to be learnt
There is always something you wish you weren't
I’ve been told I’m different all along
Am I  wrong?

Being straight needs to be my foundation
I think I am a disgrace to the whole nation
The list of my faults is way too long
Am I wrong?

Having friends isn’t easy
Sometimes I feel a little queasy
I feel like I have to bite my tongue
Am I wrong?

No I’m not wrong
But I don’t want to fit in or tag along
No, I’m not right
And I shouldn't have the need to fight

I am not right and yet I’m not wrong
There is always a place for me to belong
I only want to be free
I only want to be me
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