an arm adorned with one tattoo often shimmers but a tattoo sleeve doesn’t work profound for you, a swirling mess for me meaningless dizzy clutter – less is more, man it’s like years ago i was driving in backwoods nebraska i came to a village with one ******* SKYSCRAPER dwarfing the town like a cadaverous giant twenty stories tall in a hamlet of 7-11s ranch homes and stunted two-floor office buildings it would have been a ****** in manhattan all those seventy-story monsters huddled together each elbowing the next from the limelight cancelling each other out but a single slamming skyscraper in a hick town hits you like the first beer after two months at sea a billboard in the desert or a charitable lady nibbling your cashews after a stretch in the can i was like jack tripping on a beanstalk i pulled over to smoke a doob, stare and you know what? i bet you a few nimble souls hopped off that tower