Why do you make your way back? Oh sad dreams, that never fade I don't know why you come back my way my heart of love is with me my heart of pain needs me my heart of need protects me I only change the pain that cut's me deep within when my heart becomes so weak I ask my God Jehovah to help me I hold no doubts darkness stands in fount of me in my past old love had hurt me fast in his heart, I didn't seem to matter broken is what I once was lost I once walked into the dark with a brokenhearted my soul had once gone cold the love I didn't hold I felt my spirit had left me the pain felt as if I had been cut by a knife I wasn't free from the pain while others had been standing about calling me names I traveled deep within my soul when love was once all I had known once upon a time I had no life the past of the seed of darkness kept me to bleed oh haunted dreams come over me in those days of saddening ways on the given posts the faith of the brave I do write a picture of life.