I dwell in my loneliness of a broken heart My home is where I live with all those memories This cold pain hits at my heart like clockwork I but I kept it all to my lonely self I never let you see my pain even when you walked out on me I held it all in But when night closed in on me my heart started to feel the pain the cuts you had left on my heart you left me in a place of gloom I know somethings are just meant to be and somethings aren't like you and me some summer's ago You left your trace all over the place you left your mark all over my heart you left my heart in the dark with a broken heart If you look outside from our home You can see the fences the grape-vines ruined all dyed up The roses lost their colors They are all black and dead But your words are so alive running in and out of my mind day and night The big tree outside from my window had lost its beauty Lost with time like a said little rhyme of you and I broken dreams of a place we once had called home I dwell with a strangely aching heart when you left me You vanished and left me of your memory's of a forgotten road Of how much you truly meant to me Broken is what I am this cold winter night without you by my side is taken another part of me.