She fled to Brutus as she wept The water is greatly valued the waves of the sea give out its anger and the heavens cry out to Moonlight letting her know danger is near her soul Her ***** heaved as she stepped aside as conscious of Dark Angel looking at her she steps suddenly, with timorous eye She fled to Brutus as she wept Moonlight knows Dark Angel is anger Moonlight pressed with a meek embrace she bending back her head, looked up in a deep gaze upon Brutus' face Dark Angel tell Moonlight what is this that I see are you playing around on me with Brutus my butler then she gets up and tells Dark Angel this is not true then Dark Angel looks with a smile did you just lie too me That I might rather feel than to see the swelling of her heart is to thee I calmed her fears, and she was calm And told her love with true pride And so I won Moonlight Dark Angel smiled She is my queen The beauteous Bride of my darken life I give to you my love for life Then Moonlight started to cry with the velvet moon Brutus do you have something to ask me Dark Angel exclaimed Then Brutus walks away without a word.