As the story continues, two kindred spirits merge into one; chapter after chapter, like a rose is a rose is a rose. For a relationship – what do we prefer? Prose or poetry? Long-term or short-distance? At some point enjambements, I guess. The arc of suspense lets its arrow fly into the well-known unknown. It never fails, it always hits. But why cutting long stories short? The attention-span has become so thin, almost as thin as truth and justice. I mean, sometimes I would like to find needles in hay-stacks and blow everything up here. Wouldn‘t that be fun and childlike. But hey, I found someone to love, I mean to really love, and not just to love. Someone to cuddle and bodyheat with, someone to spend an entire week with in a rainy windy city behind thick-skinned walls. Well done! Bravo! Lucky you! The arc of suspense lets its arrow fly. I admit, that’s the most difficult part. What I love about this? He might be the one.