Thousands of thoughts popping like notifications, Billions of possibilities have inflicted unanswered discourse. Every thought can make you a madman with no hope, As you keep guessing things that are unsure.
Signs of indirect statements telling you to go, But a heart hopes telling the mind to fight, Maybe someday a love you desired, Can be fulfilled in its right time.
In limitless thoughts you were a reality, But in countless ways you were an imagination. If every words were clear like diamonds, Then I can say my farewells with a heavy yet with understanding heart.
In limitless thoughts I've counted every possibilities yet I failed to figure things out because I'm so in denial with all the signs. But then again, I hope this will pass, it may take time but I truly hope that whenever I'll see you again. I will no longer see you as the person I've loved the most but someone I've been happy with yet no longer part of my future.