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Jun 2020
Have u ever tried so hard to get the love  you give back
Have u ever cried so hard that sometimes it's hard to accept what's Fact
That no matter how hard u try or no matter how hard you cry
The feeling that you are sure u want to feel but why
Why is it hard for u to accept that the love u give may not be
That maybe the love you are dying for the whole time u just won't receive
So then it goes to are u wanting this true love and will it be able to be kept
That sometimes u can love another so so much and it might just be hard for them to accept
Love that is shown  it's not just a four letter word
Love is shown fondly and is stated proudly loud to be heard
What is Love a name that's is so sweet
When 2 can give it to one another is where true love meet
Is Love to be always truly at it's Best
Or is Love follow up with Action but put to the Test
If I give u my Love will u show me what it truly means to you
If I give you my Love would you show Me the meaning follow by ur actions to let me know that it's true.
If love is supposed to be kind then why does it hurt so much
If you love me why must I beg for your touch.
Love me why can't u understand that I love you
Why do u choose to hurt me the way I want to
All I want is for you to love me
What is it about my love that you just can't see.
Satandra Asberry
Written by
Satandra Asberry  31/F/Las Vegas
(31/F/Las Vegas)   
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