Forever Missing Our little princess and our little man, Angels in the skies for Joshua Jr & Cheyenne, Both smiles lit up a room made any bad day Seem Alright, For anyone who felt Darkness a glance of them u see the light. Never knew what a calling was still today I'm confused, What jobs can a infant let alone 2 really do. Explain to your family and friends my niece and Baby is in the sky, And no reasoning But what they call S.I.D.S is Why. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is what killed my Fam, You will be Forever Missed My Joshua Jr and Cheyenne For April 19th and 21st to approach to us it's all a dream, Remembering the flesh we brought in this world is now dead unreal it seems Hearts and lives filled with pain and now all we here is sympathy, A part of our lives and hearts and us are truly empty. They say that truth be told is that when you are gone is when u truly live, For them to get a chance to be here my life I will give. 5years mark today for our family and still we don't understand, What we did for us to have to now grieve for Joshua and Cheyenne.