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Jun 2013
She picked at her nails
as she lay on the bed
listening to the sound
of the shower running
from the white bathroom
the smell of hotel soap
drifted from the door
and steam wafted up
from underneath it
she shifted her weight
the mattress creaking
the crooked lampshade
sending glares of light
across the dimly lit room
casting her into shadow
while she sighed a deep sigh
and folded the sign reading
"Do Not Disturb" in half and
tossed it sharply at the TV
which was muted and fuzzy
because they hadn't bothered
to find the hidden remote
before he left for his shower
that would never be finished
because he had already left
choosing to make his exit
through the small window
next to the dripping sink
of the locked white bathroom
Aggie Fredette
Written by
Aggie Fredette  Vermont
   paprika and Timothy
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