under layers of dust wise men in caves break bones and bread slaving at a history no one ever knew striving for a salvation no one ever knows or perhaps only for peace left instead cursing the cold and the Christ who never came
they look at old San Pedro outside Gethsemane asleep dreaming of the God in the flowers where he lay by Christ weeping dreaming of the God in a lover's touch so sweet so gentle yet gone so far away they see how he dreams of the God in the heavens oh, to hold his hand oh, to kiss his face what wonder it must be while Christ lay weeping and the pharisees come forever closer
thirty pieces of silver bought the Son of God for a bargain
wise men in caves perhaps sit silent now and forever under layers of dust no longer cursing no longer breaking only sitting dreaming of God like Peter in the flowers like Christ weeping waiting for a way out now we all sit silent staring upwards searching for answers in a Christ who never came