Hard a starboard. Lash.yourselves down boys Were coming about to fire broadside. All hands.
A rag tag crew.on Hardtack and tea going about business , down to the sea. David Jones's
Beyond the crows nest. Ship Ahoy. The yardarm as pendulum and there.
Ahab in his element. Fathoms deep. forward to world's end
Bring up the long glass. sea spray and salty breezes Sun weathered skin, looking for world's end around the bend in the horizon
It ends and falls away the rest to the imagining 2.9 miles out.The deep blue gives way to the churning horizon. 2.9 miles to world's end.
3 sheets to the wind or To Poseidon's palace.
My uncle was a merchant ****** from the age of 16 until he was presumed Lost at sea 2.9 or Poseidon's . Or some remote corner of the world off the horizon.