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May 2020
As darkness prevails....
The heart holds on to the candle of hope..
For how long ?? The mind says.. for as long as hope stays..the doubtful heart confess..

As the clothes you thought would impress..
Now hang in your closet without address..

As the cosy bar you always visited..
Now is empty and deserted..

As the noisy parks with neighbour’s kids..
Now full of silence and withered leaves..

As the buses , trains bustling with crowd..
Now stand at peace, without even a sound..

As the outings you had planned, with your old gang..
Now you wonder, when was the last time your door bell rang..

As your mighty ego , which you kept on ignoring..
Now falls on its knees, in front of a tiny being..

As you now realise, everything you valued
Now stands unattended and unvalued...

As mother nature shows its wrath..
Now will you humbly change your path?

As darkness prevails....
The heart holds on to the candle of hope..
For how long ?? The mind says.. for as long as hope stays..the doubtful heart confess..
This is a poem i wrote depicting the current lockdown scenario in the entire world due to the corona pandemic.
Written by
Ketaki  32/F/India
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