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May 2020
Good things take time...

Patience pays, you have heard everyone say..
When Stuck in a fretful vicious cycle of self doubt,
When what if’s are stalling your way..
When the tide of uncertainty is washing confidence away,
When anxiety is gripping its hold, and faith is drifting offshore ..
When frightful imaginary scripts, are all that play, on the dream stage..
When the mind is dancing on boggled tunes, and solutions are playing hide and seek with you..

A little ray of hope makes its way..
Through the door left ajar by opportunity on its way
That’s your signal, the answer to every time you prayed
For a diamond to form, it takes several years anyway..
When patience is embraced by the soul, and time is allowed to do its role..
That’s when everything adds up to become one whole

As the wise ones say, good things take time to come your way

                                                           ­                                  Ketaki.
Written by
Ketaki  32/F/India
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