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Jun 2010
The darkness closing around her as she reaches to the stars for help and protection.  Wishing just one more time that she could become the black powerful night panther once again.  Dropping to her knees in the same spot where her father had given her the power to become the black panther, she softly touches the bark where she had scratched at it testing her newfound claws.  How could this wonderful power of her been taken away?

Watching from a distance he sits on a rock watching his daughter stroke the tree knowing in his heart that she wants to feel the powerful panther flowing through her blood once again.  He looks to the cloudy night wishing it would clear up for her to get her wish.  For the legend was told that the moon must be high in the night sky, with the stars shinning bright.  Shaking his head he stands and walks to her slowly.

Hearing someone coming up behind her she turns quickly, her eyes blazing, even though not the panther, yet feeling it within her longing to come out.  Seeing that it is only her father she looks back to the tree and stands to greet him.  Looking into his gray eyes she sees him hurting in his soul for he can do nothing but hope that the night sky clears up.  Hearing thunder off in the distance she shivers knowing there will be a storm coming in.  Looking towards the horizon she sees a flash of lighting, feeling it's power go through the earth and rumble against her she laughs gleefully knowing the time was finally near, turning to her father she smiles gratefully.

Seeing her smile was the greatest sight that he had seen in two weeks, ever since the sky had gone black and the moon not dare to show.  Feeling the adrenaline run through his veins he to knows the time was at hand.  Seeing the excitement in his daughter's eyes he to feels ready.  The rain pouring down on to them making the dirt into little ponds, looking towards the river he notes the water rushing by with such force that even Earth knows there is going to be danger this night.

Letting out a growl to the moon as the clouds part and the wind dies down.  Seeing the bright moon in the sky she starts to race through the darkness feeling the wind flowing over her sleek black body, her eyes blazing emerald green as she hisses and growls.  Looking back she sees her father running along side her.  She can see his massive muscles flowing through his black body as his feet pound the forest floor.

Finally feeling free and at home he races after his daughter hearing her growls throughout the night.  Hissing he takes off, catching up to her he sees the hairs on the back of her neck are high.  He sniffs the air and smells danger.  He runs up to her and stops in front of her to get her to stop along side of him.  He looks into her green eyes pleading to her to be careful.  As he walks in front of her looking through the brush he sees fire throughout the forest.  Sniffing the air again he smells the scent of danger, smoke.

Scarred, not knowing what to do she follows her father and seeing what he sees, smelling what he smells, her eyes continue to blaze as she hisses at the flames growing higher and thicker as they race through their homeland.  Looking into the sky she watches as the birds of prey flying away from the flames terrified of them.  Growling she nips at her father's tail urging him to follow so they can escape the inferno, alive.  He turns to face her and she becomes deadly afraid of what she sees within those gray eyes of his.

He looks into his daughter’s eyes and he knows within his soul that the time has come for him to depart from this earth and join her mother in the heavens above.  He lays to his stomach and growls at her to run, as he feels the heat cover his body, he closes his dim gray eyes purring loudly.

Nipping her father’s ears hissing at him to follow so they can escape the inferno alive.  He turns to face her and she becomes deadly afraid of what she sees within those gray eyes of his.

He looks into his daughter’s eyes and he knows within his soul that the time has come for him to depart from this earth and join her mother in the heavens above.  He lies to his stomach and growls at her to run feeling the heat cover his body, he closes his dim gray eyes purring loudly.

Nipping her father’s ears hissing at him to follow scared at what is to come.  Watching him close his eyes was like watching a flag go down in defeat.  Racing off into the darkness with the flames behind her nipping at her heels as she runs, running faster and free growling at the moon for letting this happen to her father.  Finally at the edge of the forest she jumps the river that separates it from the mainland, she looks back and sees her father's face within the flames.  Bowing her head she sits down and hugs her knees feeling that he has left in peace and is looking down on her, the stars above are now in two panther shapes, knowing in her heart and soul that one is her mother and the other is her father.
Written by
Sheena Snell
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