I just really need someone to talk to Long days and nights are starting to get hard too Spending nights alone was never really my thing, You see sometimes I like awake and wonder what if my life was different, But just like always nobody seems to listen,
So I try to channel my trials and tribulations through Pounding keys, chipping graphite, or spilling ink, I just want a sympathetic ear just like the females, But that seems too homosexual for the heterosexual, You see a lot times I’m told to hang out with the good people, But the “good” people aren’t so good, And the “bad” people are the ones who seem to really care.
I stumble and I fall sometimes I wonder when it will come to and end And when the times is near and a new tunnel will begin Inside the tunnel, racing from my death I see the light, but the darkness seems to suppress And it seems as if the clock never stops. The chime is to loud to block out, The alarm rings and I hear roars of different sounds
Noises in my head I try to keep quite But they scream and shout, looking to get out My thoughts never cease to roam, my mind always wonder I ponder when the tears will stop, when will they dry up and my thoughts rot Maybe when I have that person, maybe before they will see the hearses.