I cannot put my finger on my dissatisfaction
I cannot slake my thirst
I cannot sate my hunger
I cannot itch this scratch
I cannot imbibe it better
I cannot forget it, worse
I feel I am seeing in the second dimension
when I know the fourth is called for, now!
I cannot expunge this record, these memories, or the lack thereof
I cannot remember the effort, or, where things stopped or started
I cannot describe this inexplicability,
I cannot remember the introductions
criss-cross logical thinking
twanging words, tungsten,
copper, and sheets of steel
sautered, bolted, shorted
circuits crackle and spark
blue like the ocean water
burning the water in skin
and I find nothing on an endless loop around the
Möbius strip, no, nothing, neither starts nor ends
I'm stuck in some Escher stairwell, so frustrating
I feel like an imbecile that knows not of a named
thing that stands before me, if it were a snake, it
would bite me, what, ( ) it is so close?
boy, this stings,
this ***** to be
struck by something, and
I don't know
I cannot find relief from catharsis
no, that hasn't ever worked at all.
dizzying, myopic thing that keeps me awake
show yourself, show me how, or what, wants
this thing thing thing this thing of something.
I cannot find my ( ), no,
I cannot find anything at all.