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Jul 2020
Tears of a broken Heart...!

You met me I was so innocent, I remember
You were funny and I loved it, you
Understood me, I opened up to you
Told you everything about me, I found
Comfort in you and I trusted you so much

You fade me lies, Poor me I believed you
I was so innocent, I always believed it was
Unhuman to hurt a heart that so innocent
I was so innocent, I didn't know evil,
I was a saint always saw good in people.

The first time you kissed me, I felt different
Like I have never kissed before, I told myself
Maybe its a sign, he is the one meant for you
You asked if you could see my inside and like
A fool I said yes with too much pride

I believed what we had was real, beacuase
I had never felt like that before, little did I
Know that it was my turn to write down another
Player's story and this time with my name on it
I was blinded by how much I loved you

When I found out I was heart broken, I couldnt
Believe how long I was living a lie, I wasn't even the
Main chic, you were using me satisfy you desires,
You used my heart to cater for your needs, you
Took something from me that I can never have back

You destroyed me, you ruined my dreams,
I always dreamt having a loving husband now I see
A lying one whenever it crosses my mind, now every
Man who comes my way I push him far away because
They all look like you, I nolonger see the good in people

I have become what I never wanted to be, I wish to see
You one more time, look into your face boldlt and
ask you "why me?" "Why did you destroy me?"
"Did you ever love me?" I have the answers to these
Questions but everyday I wake up and there just this
One question that I don't have an answer to "why are you so evil?" You take pride in being bad.

All that is left in me are dark memories of an innocent
Soul destroyed, I wish i never replied that first text
I wish I took the early signs so seriously, may be I
Would be so cold and may be I would still have a heart
But always remember, "I never lost you, you did"

Written by
BAKUNDA Emmanuel Jr.
The heart speaks...
Bakunda Emmanuel Jr
Written by
Bakunda Emmanuel Jr  25/M/Kigali, Rwanda
(25/M/Kigali, Rwanda)   
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