Do you believe in fate? Sometimes I believe in fate more than I believe in anything. And then sometimes I feel so lost that There is no way fate exists.
I'm a believer. In my mind I've separated people in two different groups.
The Dreamers And The Practical.
That's not to say that one can't fit into both of these categories in different areas. I think that it's more of a Venn diagram Rather than a clear line down the middle.
I am a Dreamer. Through and through.
It's hard for me to be practical sometimes Because I believe in my dreams so much I think I can go one hundred thousand dollars into debt So that I can go to my dream University in England, And it will all work out for me. Because I believe.
I didn't go.
Because my father is a Practical and my mother is somewhere in the middle of the diagram. And I was only 18. And occasionally I see the Practical side of things.
But I think I'll always be a Dreamer.
And I like that about myself. A lot.
I like that I have little concept of Practicality. I live for the dream of my life.
Because if I face "Practicality" Then Who Am I?
I would not be writing this poem right now, I would be sleeping.
I would not be going to school to become an Actor, I would be in Business or Marketing or Pre-Law.
I would not be doing what I love, I would be doing something that's sensible or rational or Practical.
I know that would not be happy, I would be confused and lonely and lost.