I walked this wide world with awe and amazement A witness to those who make many such tall claims They behaved with jealousy but used words of endearment Fully revealing the true worth of their enlightened brains
I roamed this flat world; a world of communication convergence A place full of fun, frolic and everything for sheer pleasure They from truth had really strayed and were at a divergence They had put an act of goodness for good measure
I traversed the skies and plunged the depths of the ocean A journey in search of good people with souls which are really pure They are the same whether European, Caucasian, African or Asian They were all the same and were not bothered about any change or cure
I searched and searched forever until I was perennially tired A fatigue so eternal of the soul and not of the body In search of truth but only accosted by people so weird Who claimed to have seen God but behaved just badly
I climbed the tallest mountain; I sailed the widest seas A chance to meet the crook, the *****, the saint and seer We were all the same wherever I went to see I soon realized that I was the stupid eternal fool here