As a nation stands still swallowed by a tide so ferocious, it kills, as our streets, once so lively, now stand dead held by fear, a contagious anchor of lead
And yet the birds will still sing in the morn and the sun will still rise at dawn - life is more stubborn than the death it evades you just need to open your ignorant eyes, see what's at stake
We may feel seperated, anxious, alone and there may be others who are sadly gone but together in this blindness we will ***** for even in the darkest corner there is hope
Marvels of technology abound there is communication all around from letters, to video chats and phone calls as long as we stay sensible and not panic, we will not fall
Keep your loved ones safe by keeping your distance only venture out if necessary, ignore your selfish insistence do you really need the object you desire do you not care about being a potential killer liar?
Our backs are up against the wall the selfish acts still occurring, apalls if you do not heed our government's cries someone else, or others, will die
The sky will still be blue in a few months time, the mountains will still stand for us to climb, we need to wait, relax, keep our front doors shut for if we don't, will some of us still be here? I fear not.