Before this body does turn to dust; my friends, Fulfill your mission here on earth, Go deep within and you shall find ere death, The Godhead within us all; my friends.
Before this body does rot and putrefy to dust, Do what you have to do; my friends, Realize that God is not far away; my friends, Plunge deep within and in the divine put your trust.
Before these bones turn brittle and break; my friends Strengthen your soul and let it burn bright, Look within and face the dazzling light That is called God by all things living; my friends.
Before the invisible rope from which you hang like a puppet, Is snapped and you fall lifeless; my friends, Learn that that rope is your breath; my friends, And doth God’s glory in many ways trumpet.
Therefore my friends waste no time but seek the divine And drink of that Air that tastes like wine.