Viewing what images I have of you Only happiness is what I see in your eyes Kind and pure what miracles you would have performed My eyes drain sadness as I think of you How dare they take a piece of my ancestors, again My mind goes into deep thoughts regarding this matter And like others I am tired When will it stop we ask What purpose can we serve being killed like animals Are we the lessons that must be taught without classrooms Viewing what images I have of you Your life meant the world to some Before very few knew your name Now the world can dine in your smile With all the difficulties amidst the world Still we are treated like prized game Scattered in the streets as if we are strange fruit Onced lynched from trees Viewing what images I have of you I see the others murdered before you Thinking if I am next before justice is served What a time it would be to be alive to see peace But a shame it will be Since unable to see it you are