oh what a darkness of consistency grows around this silence that of a lonely sentence fallen to earth by itself offering hesitated thought that which conceives, yet conceals a deep misery an unhappiness that blinds the eyes that does in its silence circle like poisoned incense around a badly carved pentangle squeezing tears from the corners of clenched eyes forming a violent trembling from neck to ankles its silent translation a feeeling of immence tension vibrating through the body Ah, this fallen silence is the beauty that Isaw, I see the change incredible that brings this silenece to me rather that someone else where bliss does come down and envelope in a mist of passionate lips embrace imersining itself in a liberating tumultious emotonal experiance resurfing as internsified passion intricate in its dipiction dazzling in its dencely textured matrex of intimacy in its silence; its fallen silence the silence of a kiss that kiss his kiss my first kiss with another boy