Once beautiful and young She blossomed with flowers of kindness but all of that withered in a second after she faced the Enchantress
Her Mira stolen from her and she is left with nothing but her face A piece of her identity
She sprays and concocts her face with different liquids and powders trying to save her aging self But once again Another thing is stolen from her her age withers away in a second She has stuck alone only with her mirror
Her heart is wrenched out of her body and now is next to her She has no heartbeat but still lives pumps mechanically in her mind
She next second of her life She is stuck in a mirror trapped in her identity trapped forever The mirror shatters on the floor and she loses her identity She is beautiful again in a second She is young again in a flash Her heart is sewn into her heart and she feels the rhythmic beat of her heart in her chest
She says this is home Home of her lost identity the Evil Queen is different She found her true identity: her young childhood full of life