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May 2020
It’s scary what that smile can hide,
She walked out that door,
Pretending to not have felt a thing
Pretended to not have pushed those feelings somewhere deep
Pretended to never have hated herself to the point where she wanted to die.

It’s scary what those eyes can hide,
She walked out that door,
Pretending to not have cried a million tears
Pretended to not to see the faults in her
Pretended to never have hated the way she looked to the point where she wanted to go blind.

It’s scary how that smile could mean something more,
Something more than it shows,
That smile can mean a million words,
It can also hide a million emotions.

It’s scary how those eyes can mean something more,
Something more than they show,
Those eyes are like the path to her soul,
They hide tears that could burn instead of coal.

Her laugh...
It hides all the screams that are in her head.
Her laugh distracts her from the late-night thoughts she has,
The thoughts that scream, that moan and that feed off her fears.

It’s scary how she can be someone more than someone she looks like,
She pretends to be someone who she isn’t.
She knows that pretending works,
She knows that she pretends.
Written by
Saachi Gupta
   Bogdan Dragos
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