We strolled together through one Of several of my old elementary schools Walked, amongst the infantile emotions. A locus of extremes My saddest childhood memories haunt there Being a new student in a school that rejected Me My happiest childhood memories live there too Riding bikes in summer day-care We had free range of the empty campus We used to eat our lunch Perched, up in a tree 4 best friends We each had our spots Cradled by the freedom of summer As I climbed it now Like a sloth in the tree where it was born To show you where I used to sit The best of all the spots, I came to a horrible realization, The three had apparently grown too large, My throne had been murdered by some ******* Cut down in the street Le roi est mort, vive le roi. I try to hide my welling tears. It wasn’t even that high! I always hated that ******* school.
Had a sad dream today. this is how it went down. it's not hard for me to interpret its meaning for myself. thanks for being obvious subconscious.