She looks at her reflection, Everyday. And everyday she finds something she wants to fix.
Scared that she might go back. To eighty pounds ago. Scared that losing eighty pounds wasn't enough.
She exercises, Everyday. And everyday she feels too tired to function.
Hoping that she might look "normal," A term that is so vague. Hoping that one day she will feel okay with herself.
She stares at that mirror, Everyday. And everyday she wonders why she's like this.
Wondering why she can't feel comfortable, With her own body. Wondering why she isn't proud.
Because when she looks at that mirror, She sees flaws she can't fix. Everyday.
I know I used to feel like this because I had to work so hard to be a "normal" size. I think it is really important to acknowledge your accomplishments that you have made for yourself and love yourself. Love everything about yourself even the little flaws.